Friday, February 15, 2008


Yesterday, I blogged about an article in one of the local free newspaper accussing Spielberg of being mis-guided. Today, the same newspaper published a column by a reader in reaction to yesterday's article. And it reads:
Leow Ju Len's "Cutting through Spielberg's Spiel" (my paper, Feb 14) is one of the most idiotic articles I have ever read."
HAHAHA! MWAHAHA! HAHAHA! MWAHAHA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ehem.. ehem.. I'm okay. I'm okay. Now, where was I? Oh! Yeah, then there's another column below it in response to the reader's column. I'll read that later. LOL
It's a good thing that the paper didn't wait for tomorrow to print the response. Otherwise, I would have missed it.
Thank you Mr Tom Porter and My Paper. You have brightened up my morning. =D

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