Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Top 4 reasons why I like ladies for housemates

1. They are neat.
2. They are easily amused, thus being fun to be with.
3. They are easy to get along with.
4. They cook for you.

Monday, October 15, 2007

new housemates

I got new housemates!
The Thai girls that were occupying the master's bedroom left and three Pinays moved in. So now there are six of us, including the American who teaches at Temasek Poly. The flat is starting to feel like home.
I'm so happy! =)

Monday, October 08, 2007

SPP CLP is over

The Lord's Day celebration last Saturday marks the end of the CLP at SPP. It is finally over. My Thursday nights are free again. Hurray!
103 graduates from one CLP! Wow! That's a feat. Congratulations to all, specially to my service teammates for a job well done!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007


a lot of things happened during the weekend. but i dont feel like blogging about it. i'm not sure why. maybe because there is no motivation to vent.