Thursday, February 14, 2008

thoughts on Vday

First thought
The article in a local paper reads: "Don't worry ladies, your man will not disappoint you today. If he is Singaporean, that is." And it goes on giving survey results that local men tend to spend more on vday than their asian counterparts. Ha! This strongly implies that local women are materialistic. Why else would they be disappointed if their man wouldn't give them a $500 gift? I thought Vday is not commercialized here. I guess I was wrong. It's worse.
Second thought
Another article on the same paper reads: "Most singles prefer to spend day with friends." Duh! I shouldn't be bashing this paper. I shouldn't expect much from a free paper.
Third thought
Last na to, promise. Hehehe. There's a column in this paper by a blogger who comments about Spielberg's resignation as an artistic adviser for Beijing Olympics. He accuses the director and the rest of the anti-China protesters (celebs) as being mis-guided (or even insidiously recriminating) for blaming China for the war in Darfur. He goes on saying that Darfur has little to do with China. HELLO?! The Chinese government is supplying weapons to Darfur! How can they not be involved? If you're not familiar with the war in Darfur, read about it in Wikipedia.
Fourth thought
Being single is not bad. At least I think it's not, because I believe that at some extent, we have a choice. If we want to be attached, if we want to find our One True Love, we can. We just have to do something about it. Waiting for the right one are for teenagers. If you are passed mid twenties, then you must do something if you don't like where you are now. Take some classes or go to parties or wear a new perfume. You can't meet anyone if you're always by yourself or with the same group of friends. Being single means freedom. If you think you've had enough freedom, and you're sick of it already, then do something about it. =P
Fifth thought
There's this girl...
...and this Vday is for her.

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