Monday, August 02, 2004

a nice weekend

I went clubbing with my girl and her friends last Saturday. It was fun. There were dancing, singing, laughing, talking, etc. -- all the things that a typical night out should have. Her friends are great. I didn't feel left out considering that they all came from the same school and they're adventures went way back early puberty. lol! They were all very friendly. Actually, I wasn't planning to go with them. It was their little reunion. But since it was already 11pm and I'm still with them, I decided to go. I don't know what time we left the club. I lost track of time. I do know that I arrived home a little before sunrise. The following day (so to speak), I woke up at around 11am, ate lunch, then went back to bed.


It was a nice weekend.

My girl gave me a novel -- Angels & Demons by Dan Brown. I haven't finished reading it yet but I think it is a well written book. It's pretty popular but not as popular as The Da Vinci Code, its sequel.


My girl... she's the best.

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