Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Cooking Master Boy

I remember a text conversation I had with F, my girlfriend. It goes a little something like this:

F: How long does it take before you lose interest?

AV: What do you mean? Lose interest in what?

F: In stuff. Like your hobbies (photography, gym, anime, etc).

AV: Ah... 2 months, why?

F: No reason, just asking. 2 months?! Yikes! I better think of something exciting before you lose interest in me. lol! =)

The text conversation did not end right there but I can't remember the rest.

F noticed that I lose interest quite quickly. At one time, I get passionately excited by something and then after some time, lose interest. Well, I don't really lose interest in some of the things that I used to rave about. I still like them but not as passionately as before. I never really bothered myself as to why I am like that. I don't think it's important. One of my policies is "If it doesn't (or won't) cause harm to anyone (including me), then it's not a problem." lol!

Enough of the the introduction. Enter my new interest...


Yeah, it's kinda weird. It's not like me to work in the kitchen but I found out that I like cooking. F wanted me to cook for her for her birthday. I decided to cook spaghetti since it was fairly easy. And so I cooked. She told me what to do and I did. The result? My first spaghetti. It was edible. A little oily, though, but still edible. Delicious even. Not bad for my first time.

Maybe, there would come a time when I would not be as eager to cook like I am right now but it's not a problem. In the meantime, I'm gonna surf the net today for some recipes and cook breakfast tomorrow. lol!

*Bon Appetit!*

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