Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Citi Electronic Statement

Today I received an email from Citibank. This is weird because I already closed my account last year. So, I called them up via 24-Hour CitiPhone hotline. Immediately, they have verified that the account is really closed and that I should just disregard the email.
Being an IT professional, I sense that someone must've messed up in their Production environment. In other words, may sumabog na program sa prod! hehehe. =D
Just sharing this experience in case someone tries to google for info.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Citi e-Statement <phesmail@citi.com>
Date: Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 12:25 AM
Subject: Citi Electronic Statement

Dear Valued Client,

Please be advised that your Citibank Visa/Mastercard Classic Electronic Statement has been generated.

If you requested to receive your Electronic Statement through:

1. Your email as an attachment (You need an Adobe Acrobat version 8.0 to view the statement.)

Launch the attached file and input your password*.

*For your protection, your electronic statement is password-protected. Your e-Statement
password depends on your mode of enrollment.



If you enrolled through Citibank Online

Password you nominated upon enrollment (13 characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9)


Password example:  Opportunity13

If you enrolled through CitiPhone or other means

Birth date in mmddyyyy and last 4 digits of your card



Birthday = May 2, 1951

*Card Number = 1000 1000 1000 8888

Password = 050219518888


*For Citi card accounts, this is the last 4 digits found at the front of your card.

For bank accounts/statements, this is the last 4 digits found at the front of your ATM card.


2. Online viewing in Citibank Online

Sign on to Citibank Online and click on the View Electronic Statement on the left side of the
My Home page to view your statement online.

For any inquiries, you may send us a message through Citibank Online. If you are a Citibank
customer, you may also call our 24-Hour CitiPhone at 995 9999 (Metro Manila), 234 9999 (Cebu) or 1
800 10 995 9999 (toll-free from other provinces through PLDT). If you are a Citibank Savings
customer, you may call the Citibank Savings Customer Service Hotline at 995 1888 (Metro Manila).

Thank you for using Citi Electronic Statements

To ensure delivery of your Electronic Statement to your Inbox, please add Citi e-Statement
<phesmail@citigroup.com> to your email address book or contact list.

Please read through the Citi Electronic Statement User Agreement by clicking on the link below. If you
do not cancel your enrollment and/or you continue using this service, we will take it to mean that you
agree with the Terms and Conditions applicable to this service and to further amendments thereto.
Please be advised that aside from being able to view your consolidated banking statement
electronically, you shall continue to receive the paper copies by mail.
To see our ongoing promotions and online offers, visit our website www.citibank.com.ph.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Start blogging

I just want to start blogging again. I want to list down the little things in life that gives me joy and pleasure.
To begin with, yesterday, I was celebrating the fact that I was wearing a new short-sleeved polo which I bought on the John Little Mega Expo last week. It's a black, grey and red stripes. I don't wear much stripes so it was quite a nice experience. Haha! =D
Today, I am going to Adelphi for the first time. Haha! =P
I also sold a packed lunch to Don. It's a first, too. =D

Friday, April 10, 2009

Why are we a nation of servants?

Why are we a nation of servants? by f.sionil jose (Philstar.com)
Here we go again, some inconsequential columnist in Hong Kong takes a cheap shot at our unhappy country, calls us "a nation of servants" and immediately an uproar, and magma feelings of hurt are unleashed. Editorials, columnists, politicians are outraged — they demand apology as if one would really salve the bone-deep insult. It was the same sometime back when an English publisher defined "Filipina" as a housemaid. Such insults hurt profoundly but the pain fades quickly and soon after all that enraged outburst, we settle down to the same complacency, we continue sending more of our women abroad to be raped by Arabs, demeaned by Malaysians and Chinese, heckled by the Brits. What has our sense of outrage brought us?

Go to Hong Kong, to Singapore. Visit the Star Ferry environs in Hong Kong or Lucky Plaza, and Singapore's Orchard St. And there, on Sundays you will see them, hundreds of Filipino domestics, yak-yaking, socializing on the sidewalk, having a pleasant respite from their work.

To the visitors, tourists and the natives, they are a piteous sight, illustrating so clearly and so well how this country has sank. As a Filipino, having witnessed such, I am utterly shamed. I do not blame our poor women for their sorry condition, for I know only too well their plight is the only way by which they can help their families at home and survive.

It is such a boring cliché now, but back to the not-so-distant past: Filipinas was the second richest country in the region, next only to Japan; our universities attracted students from all over Asia, and we had the best professionals, the most modern stores and hospitals.

And what was Hong Kong then? There were slums crawling up those hills on Victoria island, and slums all over Kowloon. Singapore as an English naval base was like old Binondo, with its small squalid shops and equally small houses.

But look at Singapore and Hong Kong now, then look at our country and people.

Sure, you can find in Makati magnificent mansions, the biggest luxury cars, the tony restaurants, skyscrapers. But elsewhere the ugly sprawl of slums, the very poor who now eat only once a day. We must ask ourselves that question, why we became "the hewers of wood and drawers of water" of the world. What happened to us, a very talented and heroic people with a revolutionary tradition?

Once we have answered this question, then we should no longer wonder why there is a continuing diaspora of our brightest people, of our women. It is then the time for us to be truly enraged — not at that Hong Kong columnist — but at the creators of this dismal miasma we call Filipinas. Do not kill the messenger who comes to us to tell the horrid truth about us. Ingest his message, then turn all that outrage, that vehemence, to the Filipinos who turned this beautiful country into the garbage dump of the region: the oligarchs, the Spanish mestizos, the Chinese Filipinos and the treasonous Indios who sent their money abroad instead of investing it here in industries to create jobs for our people. Then it is time for us to rail and condemn the crooked politicians who are the allies of these wretched rich who permitted the relentless hemorrhage of this nation's capital.

Revolutionary tradition? Ask those rebels why, after 40 years, these leeches are still feasting on our blood!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Peranakan Weekend

Only 2 days to go before our Malacca Trip. Excited na ako. Haha! =D