10 differences between winners and losers:
1.When a winner commits a mistake he says "I am wrong".
When a loser commits a mistake he says "It's not my fault".
2.A winner works harder and has more time than a loser.
A loser always is too busy to do what is necessary.
3.A winner faces and solves his problems.
A loser does otherwise.
4.A winner make things happen.
A loser makes promises.
5.A winner would say "I am good but not as good as I want to be".
A loser would say "I am not as bad as the others"
6.A winner listens, understands and responds.
A loser only waits until it is his turn to speak.
7.A winner respects people who are superior to him and would like to learnfrom them.
A loser does otherwise, and would try to find his superiors' faults.
8.A winner is responsible not just for his own work.
A loser will note dare help others and would say "I'm just doing my job."
9.A winner would say "There should be a better way to do it."
A loser would say "This is the only way to do it."
(you can disregard this last one.)
10.A winner like you will share this with his friends.
A loser will just keep this to himself because he doesn't have time sharing this with others.
based on this list, i am considered a winner. HOW COME I DON'T FEEL LIKE ONE!
i therefore conclude that this list is flawed. muwahahaha! (evil laugh!)
list taken from F's journal. (without permission but i think she won't mind.)
Monday, January 10, 2005
winners and losers
Thought aloud by
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