i'm singing Crazy For You in my mind!
Crazy for you
Touch me once and you'll know it's true
I never wanted anyone like this
It's all brand new,
-Sponge Cola, "Crazy for you"
i'm gonna sing this song as soon as i get my hands on our videoke! Arrgh! i can't wait!
i'm calm, i'm calm. (ala Doug Whitmore in 50 first dates)
Friday, January 28, 2005
Thought aloud by
mini shabu-shabu neo
Please don't confront me with my failures
'Cause I have not forgotten them
-Mates of State, "These Days"
i just lost my "mini shabu-shabu" post. i got an error when i tried to publish it. all that typing gone to waste. this sucks, big time!
anyway, to summarize the entry, i ate at the mini shabu-shabu resto with F and my college buddies. we had good food and we had a good time.
Thought aloud by
goal setting
i wish i didn't have to do this (start something) but i think i have to. i'm starting on a goal-setting program to improve myself one step at a time. i realize that this will be difficult but at the same time, this is a chance to prove myself to me. (i have disappointed myself a lot of times.) first on the list is my work habit, or the lack of it. this i think will have the greatest impact in my life, now. i must get my act together if i want to have a better life. i have decided that this program will be the main theme for my blog (instead of the current "anything goes" theme).
let's treat this as the kick-off entry for the program.
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Tuesday, January 25, 2005
working late
it's almost 9:30PM and i'm still in the office. i ain't complaining. this is better than doing nothing or worse, something boring. i love working, but not all the time though. there are times when the work is so boring that i'd rather be watching discovery channel or national geographic. lol! i love to work. i just hate it when i mess up. bad habit. tsk, tsk, tsk.
does she look pregnant to you? damn! lol!
Thought aloud by
Monday, January 24, 2005
who am i to judge?
who am i to judge a "friend" who married his spiritual adviser who's more than 15 YEARS OLDER THAN HIM? maybe he's crazy. maybe she's desperate. maybe they're doing "God's Will." maybe something happened between them and they felt guilty about it so they thought about appeasing their conscience by marrying each other. maybe they wanted something to happen between them so they decided to get married so they can do it guilt-free. maybe they're really in love. maybe, maybe not. i don't know. i can't say. i don't know the situation they're in. i wasn't invited in the wedding. i wasn't even told about the wedding. the wedding was apparently on a need-to-know basis. WHY?! why would you not want others to know about your wedding?
so, who am i to judge?
i'm just a blogger. all i can do is blog about it, wish them luck in their marriage (they're gonna need lots of it), and hope that in time, i would learn to understand what was going on in their mind.
Thought aloud by
Friday, January 21, 2005
filler #747
during my lunch break, i watched Pirates of the Caribbean. it's a good movie. i wasn't able to finish it though. i ran out of time. =)
Johnny Depp was amusing.
Rrr! lol
check out this research service by google.
Thought aloud by
Thursday, January 20, 2005
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
i just want to thank God for giving me the things that i want. i'm so blessed, i wonder why. the reason why i'm saying this is because a friend told me that God left her when she needed Him the most. that's the reason why she thinks that God doesn't participate with our affairs here on earth. i used to think that way. i believe it's called deism. i can see why she's thinks that way. it's sad. well, not really.
i am slightly annoyed at some of my friends. they keep on sending me forwarded messages. they used to make my inbox full until i found out how to deal with them. delete. lol!
Thought aloud by
Thursday, January 13, 2005
grave of fireflies
it's lunch time. i just stopped watching Grave of Fireflies. it was too depressing. really!
anyway, i stopped watching before i got sick. i just had lunch and i don't want to lose it. i'll just watch this later.
by the way, i do not recommend this film to children.
Thought aloud by
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
random thoughts #63
i woke up feeling lazy today. i took a multivitamin caplet in the hope of having a few energy into my system to get me through the day. this is important since today is Tuesday, the longest day of the week. it's long because i have a regular meeting from 8:30-9:30PM. still, i consider myself lucky for this. i know some people who stay late in the office everyday. i wish i could remember to ask them five years from now if it was worth it.
speaking of dedicated people, i admire my team leader's dedication in her work. she's been here for 8 years, i guess. her dedication, diligence, and wisdom is truly inspiring. i'm lucky to have a boss like her. she's one of the best in the company.
going back to the topic, when i woke up, part of me wanted to stay in bed. but of course, common sense dictates that i should go to work if i don't want things to blow up in my face. i'm such a good boy. at least most of the time. at least i think so. lol!
F and i had dinner together last night, she seemed happy. i'm sure she wasn't the night before. i'm relieved. we talked about eating at Shang and i told her how i really feel about that. it's just too expensive. at least for now. i think i know where to bring her on our next date, but i'm not telling. she might read this post and it would spoil the suspense.
i like my new set of mp3's. thank God for music.
Thought aloud by
Monday, January 10, 2005
winners and losers
10 differences between winners and losers:
1.When a winner commits a mistake he says "I am wrong".
When a loser commits a mistake he says "It's not my fault".
2.A winner works harder and has more time than a loser.
A loser always is too busy to do what is necessary.
3.A winner faces and solves his problems.
A loser does otherwise.
4.A winner make things happen.
A loser makes promises.
5.A winner would say "I am good but not as good as I want to be".
A loser would say "I am not as bad as the others"
6.A winner listens, understands and responds.
A loser only waits until it is his turn to speak.
7.A winner respects people who are superior to him and would like to learnfrom them.
A loser does otherwise, and would try to find his superiors' faults.
8.A winner is responsible not just for his own work.
A loser will note dare help others and would say "I'm just doing my job."
9.A winner would say "There should be a better way to do it."
A loser would say "This is the only way to do it."
(you can disregard this last one.)
10.A winner like you will share this with his friends.
A loser will just keep this to himself because he doesn't have time sharing this with others.
based on this list, i am considered a winner. HOW COME I DON'T FEEL LIKE ONE!
i therefore conclude that this list is flawed. muwahahaha! (evil laugh!)
list taken from F's journal. (without permission but i think she won't mind.)
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the "n" word and changing
it's happening again. why do i have so many issues? why can't i be normal like... like a normal person? hmmm.. that makes me wonder. is it ok to be normal? would i be happy being normal or would i had killed myself out of extreme boredom? i could never imagine myself being normal. 1, 2, 3, 4, i mentioned normal 5 times already. i have to make it my title. lol! anyway, back to the topic, is anybody normal? i guess not. but i believe that there are people who are more or less normal than others. this term is too broad. i'd like to narrow down the topic and discuss my mental health. (or lack thereof. lol!) i'm paranoid. i get overly irritable when i'm hungry. (overly, is that a word?) my memory is worse than my mobile phone. (which is a nokia 6510, btw.) and worse of all, (or at least i'd like to believe so) i get into this melancholic state in which i get very depressed without a reason (or none that i know of). this is what happens during the process. (i call it changing. you'll see why.) it gets dark (or foggy) all around. i don't feel like myself. i feel very light. i have to make a conscious effort to feel that i am real, to realize that my actions have consequences. i have to do this because i might do something that would have dire consequences that i do not care about at the moment but would be devastating in the future. (it had happened before.) because of this, i try not to do anything new. aside from the fact that i may not be thinking clearly, i also might not be able to appreciate the experience. (there are exceptions to this. i haven't figured exactly why.) i stay like this for days, sometimes weeks. then, i would just realize that its over and everything looks bright. leaving my personality somewhat changed. this doesn't happen often. just once or twice a year. nobody notices this when its happening except for F. she is the only one (besides me) who is affected by my changing. i know why but i'm not telling.
Thought aloud by
Tuesday, January 04, 2005
wishlist 2005
here are the top 3 entries in my wishlist as of date.
1. to be 15 years old again
i want to go back to the past and be young again. don't ask me why. i just do. i know it's impossible but who knows? i just might get lucky!
funny, i remember wishing to be older when i was 15. it seems like i got my wish. lol
2. to be very rich
in progress: 2% complete
3. to be able to read people's minds
this would make my life easier. =)
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