I have a cold. *sniff* I hate being sick.
Yesterday was F and I's 16th monthsary. We celebrated it with some of our friends over at Music21 in Jupiter, Makati. We sang to our hearts' content. We all had a great time.
Mark, Junni and I were signing most of the time. We love to sing. Who can blame us?
I finally met Junnifer's giflfriend, Winnie. She was a little quiet but i think that's only because she had just met us and she's still a little shy.
F and I sang duet. We sang our theme song, Moonlight Over Paris.
Christel was less reserved than when I last saw her. That's an understatement. She was rowdy -- in a funny kind of way. I could see that she loves to sing especially Japanese songs.
Nelson wasn't planning on joining us but Mark and I "persuaded" him to come. We held on to him until we were in there. lol!
I'm glad Mimi was there. I wasn't really expecting her to come. I guess she likes videoke. We made her sing Avril Lavigne songs.
Jeff was there. He sang, too but not as much as he made fun of the one who's singing. (And that's usually me. lol!)
I have a cold. *sniff* I hate being sick.
Wednesday, September 29, 2004
Thought aloud by
Thursday, September 23, 2004
A few weeks back, I joined this stock trading game called Marketocracy (url:http://www.marketocracy.com) to test my stock trading skills. I bought $50,000.00 worth of World Airways Inc shares because I was expecting it to go up. A few days after I bought the shares, I was losing $12,000.00 already. I know better than to sell. I figured I'll just wait for it to go up. Well, it did! The stock value rose 35% in just one day. I was surprised. In just 12 hours, my loss turned into gains! I feel like I've just won the lottery, fantasy lottery that is. lol! I'm starting to love this game. =)
I wish the same would happen with my North-West Airlines stock.
I gave away my blog's url to my thesismates. I wonder if they're reading this. I know F is. =)
Thought aloud by
Monday, September 20, 2004
reading blogs and wishing for shabu-shabu
Check out Chona's blog. http://chona.blogspot.com It's funny. This could be the most popular blog in the Phils. I wouldn't be surprised if this will be in the news soon. (That is, if it hasn't been already.)
I read F's blog last Friday. She's been blogging for a year now and I didn't even know. She's really good in keeping secrets. She can keep a secret from herself if she wanted to. (Is that possible?) lol! It's a strange feeling to read about myself in someone else's blog. It's like watching the movie of my life through a different camera. I wouldn't recommend it. Not unless they're sure that what they're going to read is something good, or they're open-minded, like me. (Naks!) Although I enjoyed reading her posts, I don't think I'd be reading through her blog anytime soon. As I've said, reading about myself gives me a strange feeling.
I met up with some of my college friends last Saturday night. It was nice to see them again. We were supposed to have dinner in Mini Shabu-shabu (upon my request) but there were not enough seats to accomodate us. We were around... (let me count... Jen, Vero, Pete, Cuth, Rachelle, Dewey, Dorothy, Jeff, Aimeelyn (sp?), F, and Me) ...11. So, we ate at Taza Cafe (upon Rachelle's request). The food was delicious but the company was the best. I could go on and tell you that I miss the good old days but I won't. Because I don't. The old days are just as good as the ones that I'm having right now. lol!
Damn! I still don't know how to eat Shabu-shabu. What a shame. =(
Oh well, at least I have something to look forward to when Vero gets back from her province. =)
Thought aloud by
Friday, September 17, 2004
The Space Between
I had a very interesting experience this morning. I was sitting in a bus, listening to jam 88.3 from my phone when I heard "The Space Between" by Dave Matthews. All of a sudden, I felt a rush of nostalgia. It was delightfully weird! I was sad and happy at the same time. I felt like crying and smiling. I felt warmth but I shivered. It is hard to explain. I was suddenly feeling the emotions that I had when I was listening to that song a few years ago. It seems like somehow, the song got something from the past and brought it back to me. This is not the first time that this has happened to me. I discovered that I can package an emotion and send it to the future when I was 18. I bought Cranberries' album, Bury The Hatchet and listened to it everyday for two or three weeks. After a few months, I listened to it again and I was brought back to the past for a few minutes. That's when I realized that I could associate my emotions with a song. I did it with other songs but not all emotions that I've "packed" are good. There are some that makes me feel like I'm having a nightmare. But that's not a big deal. It's all in the mind anyway. =)
Thought aloud by
Thursday, September 16, 2004
I really don't like documentation. I don't like it then and I still don't like it now. But I have to start liking it because I get a lot of tasks that involves a lot of documentation. It seems like it is part of the package. You can't have one without the other. I have been assigned to another high priority documentation tasks. A real no-brainer according to the lead. I agree. I can't complain coz it beats having nothing to do. Being bored at work is fatal. Well, at least for me. I am very prone to boredom but I think I have learned to cope with it.
An earthquake woke me up last night (3am). I was really shook up (pun intended) and I had a hard time sleeping afterwards. I was afraid that the building would collapse and I'll be stuck inside. That would be hell on earth for me. That is if I would survive. Yup! That's what had been going on in my mind. I can't help it. I'm paranoid. Well, no need to think about it now.
Last week, I transferred to the adjacent cube. I am now occupying my former teammate's space. I like it here. There's something about it that makes me feel comfortable. I can't figure out exactly what it is. It may be because of the lighting condition. Whatever. No need to over-analyze. Lol!
F and I saw The Notebook last night. We were a little disappointed because it didn't make us cry. Maybe it didn't strike us as much as it did with some of our friends but the movie was okay. It was a nice love story. Not too mushy.
I'm reading The Five People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom. I was hesitant to read it at first because I think that the author was capitalizing on the success of Tuesdays With Morrie and he decided to make another book about a dying person. Obviously, I gave it a try. I'll try to write about what I think about it when I'm finish reading.
Life is good, without it, I'm dead.
Thought aloud by
Monday, September 06, 2004
Work SOX!
Wow! It's been a long time since I last posted in my blog. A lot of things had happened. Good things and bad things. Mostly bad things. Last week sucks. I pretty much screwed myself last week with my work. Right now I'm doing my best to make up for the stupidity and negligence that I did. I won't delve so much into details. It just makes me feel worse. Instead, I'm going to tell you about a nightmare that I had when I was in college.
I was in a computer laboratory. I was in class but I wasn't paying attention to the lesson because I am good in that subject and I was a fast learner. I walked around the lab, mingling and chatting with some of my friends. Then, to my surprise, the professor announced that we were going to have an exam. Damn! I didn't know what the test is going to be about because I wasn't listening. I was definitely going to fail the exam. I was so stressed in that dream that it woke me up frozen stiff.
The lesson of the story is obvious but I still fall into that trap. If this keeps up, I might develop a complex. That is, if I don't already have one. Lol!*
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