I should have posted sooner but I got busy (or lazy). I was supposed to write about how great my Saturday was. I had brunch with F, then I watched a movie alone (F had to go to a children's party). After that, I met up with F again because we are going to watch a ball game in Araneta with our friends. The Archers lost but its okay. The opponent was really good (and we suck). Still, we cheered for our team. We are really good cheerers. lol! In the evening, we had dinner at Gilligan's in Makati. The food was good and the price was not too expensive. I'm going back to that place.
Thursday, August 19, 2004
the archers lost again (late post)
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Wednesday, August 11, 2004
night shift
It's a few minutes past midnight and I'm still here at the office. I'm not complaining. I'm working night shift now. My team lead and I are doing some testing on an application. We had to adjust our business partner's time zone. So I'm here, working in the office, listening to some music, hearing nothing but the sound of air -conditioning and keyboard clicking. It's a nice feeling to work on night shift for the first time. I hope I don't get sleepy at the middle of the shift. lol!
It's only Tuesday and already I miss F. We won't see each other until Saturday because she's kinda busy with her internship. I can't wait 'til it's Saturday!
Thought aloud by
Friday, August 06, 2004
Wednesday, August 04, 2004
Cooking Master Boy
I remember a text conversation I had with F, my girlfriend. It goes a little something like this:
F: How long does it take before you lose interest?
AV: What do you mean? Lose interest in what?
F: In stuff. Like your hobbies (photography, gym, anime, etc).
AV: Ah... 2 months, why?
F: No reason, just asking. 2 months?! Yikes! I better think of something exciting before you lose interest in me. lol! =)
The text conversation did not end right there but I can't remember the rest.
F noticed that I lose interest quite quickly. At one time, I get passionately excited by something and then after some time, lose interest. Well, I don't really lose interest in some of the things that I used to rave about. I still like them but not as passionately as before. I never really bothered myself as to why I am like that. I don't think it's important. One of my policies is "If it doesn't (or won't) cause harm to anyone (including me), then it's not a problem." lol!
Enough of the the introduction. Enter my new interest...
Yeah, it's kinda weird. It's not like me to work in the kitchen but I found out that I like cooking. F wanted me to cook for her for her birthday. I decided to cook spaghetti since it was fairly easy. And so I cooked. She told me what to do and I did. The result? My first spaghetti. It was edible. A little oily, though, but still edible. Delicious even. Not bad for my first time.
Maybe, there would come a time when I would not be as eager to cook like I am right now but it's not a problem. In the meantime, I'm gonna surf the net today for some recipes and cook breakfast tomorrow. lol!
*Bon Appetit!*
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Monday, August 02, 2004
a nice weekend
I went clubbing with my girl and her friends last Saturday. It was fun. There were dancing, singing, laughing, talking, etc. -- all the things that a typical night out should have. Her friends are great. I didn't feel left out considering that they all came from the same school and they're adventures went way back early puberty. lol! They were all very friendly. Actually, I wasn't planning to go with them. It was their little reunion. But since it was already 11pm and I'm still with them, I decided to go. I don't know what time we left the club. I lost track of time. I do know that I arrived home a little before sunrise. The following day (so to speak), I woke up at around 11am, ate lunch, then went back to bed.
It was a nice weekend.
My girl gave me a novel -- Angels & Demons by Dan Brown. I haven't finished reading it yet but I think it is a well written book. It's pretty popular but not as popular as The Da Vinci Code, its sequel.
My girl... she's the best.
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